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Appeals and Grievances 2025


Medicare Advantage general coverage decisions, appeals and grievances. 


Your health plan must follow strict rules for how to identify, track, resolve and report all appeals and grievances. The following information applies to benefits provided by your Medicare benefit. 


These processes have been approved by Medicare. Each process has a set of rules, procedures, and deadlines that must be followed by us and by you. 


We are always available to help you. Even if you have a complaint about our treatment of you, we are obligated to honor your right to complain. Therefore, you should always reach out to customer service for help. 


Coverage decisions






Coverage decisions

What is a coverage decision?

A coverage decision is a decision we make about your benefits and coverage or about the amount we will pay for your medical services or prescription drugs.

  • A coverage decision about medical care or Medicare Part B prescription drugs is called an organization determination.
  • A coverage decision about a Part D prescription drug is called a coverage determination.

The sections below provide more information about each of these types of coverage decisions and how to ask Preferred Care Partners for a coverage decision.

Organization Determinations for Medical Care

What is an organization determination?

When a coverage decision involves your medical care, it is called an organization determination.

Some examples of an organization determination are:

  • If you want our plan to decide if we will cover certain medical care, you want and you believe that this care is covered by our plan
  • If you have received and paid for medical care that you believe should be covered by the plan and you want to ask our plan to reimburse you for this care
  • If you have received medical care that you believe should be covered by the plan, but we have said we will not pay for this care
How do you ask for an organization determination?

You can ask us for an organization determination yourself, or your doctor or someone you have legally appointed to act on your behalf may do it for you. This person would be called your appointed representative. You can name a relative, friend, advocate, doctor or anyone else to act for you. If you want someone other than your doctor, you must complete the Appointment of Representative Form. When we reference “you” on this page, we mean you, your doctor or your appointed representative. 

If your health requires a quick response, you can ask us to make a “fast decision,” which is also called an “expedited determination.” More information about standard organization determinations and expedited determinations is available within this section. 

Mail: Submit a written request for an organization determination to the address listed below. You may refer to your Evidence of Coverage, Chapter 2; see the section for Coverage Decisions for Medical Care. 

Phone: You may call the customer service number on your ID card. You may refer to your Evidence of Coverage, Chapter 2; see the section for Coverage Decisions for Medical Care. 

Fax: Fax a written request for an organization determination to the fax number listed below. You may refer to your Evidence of Coverage, Chapter 2; see the section for Coverage Decisions for Medical Care.


Coverage Decisions for Medical Care Part C and B 


UHC Preferred Medicare Advantage FL-0001 (HMO)
UHC Preferred Medicare Advantage FL-0002 (HMO)
UHC Preferred Medicare Advantage FL-002P (HMO)
UHC Preferred Complete Care FL-0003 (HMO C-SNP)
  • Phone


    1-866-231-7201 (TTY - 711) Toll-Free

    8 a.m. - 8 p.m. local time 7 Days Oct-Mar, M-F Apr-Sept

  • Mail


    Preferred Care Partners, Inc. Customer Service Department

    P.O. Box 30770, Salt Lake City, UT 84130-0770

  • Fax



UHC Preferred Dual Complete FL-D001 (HMO D-SNP)
UHC Preferred Dual Complete FL-D01P (HMO D-SNP)
UHC Preferred Dual Complete FL-V1 (HMO D-SNP) New!
UHC Preferred Dual Complete FL-V2 (HMO D-SNP) New!
UHC Preferred Dual Complete FL-Y2 (HMO-POS D-SNP) New!
UHC Preferred Dual Complete FL-Y3 (HMO-POS D-SNP) New!
  • Phone


    1-866-480-1086 (TTY - 711) Toll-Free

    8 a.m. - 8 p.m. local time 7 Days Oct-Mar, M-F Apr-Sept

  • Mail


    Preferred Care Partners, Inc. Customer Service Department

    P.O. Box 30769, Salt Lake City, UT 84130-0769

  • Fax




What is the timeline for a standard organization determination?

For a standard organization determination, we will give you an answer as quickly as your health condition requires, but no later than 14 days after receiving your request. If your request is for a Medicare Part B prescription drug, we will give you an answer within 72 hours after we receive your request. 

However, for a request for a medical item or service, if we find that some information is missing that may benefit you or if you need more time to get information to us for our review, we can take up to 14 more calendar days to make our decision. We will let you know if we decide to do this. We cannot take extra time to make a decision if your request is for a Medicare Part B prescription drug. 

If you believe we should not take extra days, you can file a “fast” grievance, and we will give you an answer to your grievance within 24 hours. For more information about grievances, see Grievances

If we do not give you our answer within 14 calendar days (or, if there was an extended review period, by the end of that period), or within 72 hours if your request is for a Part B prescription drug, you have the right to file an appeal. See Appeals for more information. 

What happens after Preferred Care Partners makes a standard organization determination?

If our answer is “NO” to part or all of what you requested, we will send you a letter that explains why. You have the right to ask us to reconsider this decision by submitting an appeal. To learn more about submitting an appeal, see Appeals

If your request was for us to pay our share of the bill for medical care you already received, and we determine that the care you paid for was not covered or did not follow plan rules, we will send you a letter that says we will not pay for these services and why. You have the right to ask us to reconsider this decision by submitting an appeal. To learn more about submitting an appeal, see Appeals

What are the requirements for an expedited determination?

If your health requires it, you can ask us for an expedited determination. To get an expedited determination, you must meet two requirements: 

You must be asking for coverage for medical care you have not yet received. You cannot ask for an expedited determination if your request is about payment for medical care, you have already received. 

Using the standard deadlines could cause serious harm to your health or hurt your ability to function. 

If your doctor tells us that your health requires an expedited determination, we will automatically agree to give you an expedited determination. 

If you ask for an expedited determination on your own without your doctor’s support, we will decide whether your health requires that we give you an expedited determination. If we decide your medical condition does not meet the requirements for an expedited determination, we will process your request as a standard organization determination and notify you of our decision to process your request as a standard determination by sending you a letter. Our letter will indicate that we will automatically give you an expedited determination if your doctor requests it. You will also be provided with information about your right to file a “fast” grievance about our decision to give you a standard determination instead of an expedited determination. For more information about grievances, see Grievances

What is the timeline for an expedited determination?

If you meet the requirements for an expedited determination, we will give you an answer as quickly as your health condition requires, but no later than 72 hours after receiving your request. If your request is for a Medicare Part B prescription drug, we will answer within 24 hours. 

  • However, if we find that some information is missing that may benefit you or if you need more time to get information to us for our review, we can take up to 14 more days to make our decision. We will let you know if we decide to do this. 

  • If you believe we should not take extra days, you can file a “fast” grievance, and we will give you an answer to your grievance within 24 hours. For more information about grievances, see Grievances. 

  • If we do not give you our answer within 72 hours (or, if there was an extended review period, by the end of that period), or within 24 hours if your request is for a Part B prescription drug, you have the right to file an appeal. See Appeals for more information. 

What happens after Preferred Care Partners makes an expedited determination?

If our answer is “NO” to part or all of what you requested, we will send you a letter that explains why. You have the right to ask us to reconsider this decision by submitting an appeal. To learn more about submitting an appeal, see Appeals.

Coverage Determination for Prescription Drugs

What is a coverage determination?

Coverage decision involves your Part D prescription drugs, it is called a coverage determination. 

Some examples of a coverage determination are: 

  • If you ask us to make an exception*, including: 
    • Asking us to cover a Part D drug that is not on the plan’s formulary (our list of covered drugs) 
    • Asking us to waive a restriction on the plan’s coverage for a drug (such as limits on the amount of the drug you can get) 
    • Asking to pay a lower cost-sharing amount for a covered drug 
    • Asking us to pay for a prescription drug you have already bought 
    • If you ask us if a drug is covered for you and whether you satisfy any applicable coverage rules

*Please note: If you are requesting an exception, you will also need to provide a supporting statement from your doctor or prescriber that explains the medical reason why you need the exception approved.

How do you ask for a coverage determination?

You can ask us for an organization determination yourself, or your doctor or someone you have legally appointed to act on your behalf may do it for you. This person would be called your appointed representative. You can name a relative, friend, advocate, doctor or anyone else to act for you. If you want someone other than your doctor, you must complete the Appointment of Representative Form. When we reference “you” on this page, we mean you, your doctor or your appointed representative. 

If your health requires a quick response, you can ask us to make a “fast decision,” which is also called an “expedited determination.” More information about standard organization determinations and expedited determinations is available within this section. 

Mail: Submit a written request for an organization determination to the address listed below. You may refer to your Evidence of Coverage, Chapter 2; see the section for Coverage Decisions for Medical Care. 

Phone: You may call the customer service number on your ID card. You may refer to your Evidence of Coverage, Chapter 2; see the section for Coverage Decisions for Medical Care. 

Fax: Fax a written request for an organization determination to the fax number listed below. You may refer to your Evidence of Coverage, Chapter 2; see the section for Coverage Decisions for Medical Care.


Coverage Decisions for Part D Prescription Drugs 


UHC Preferred Medicare Advantage FL-0001 (HMO)
UHC Preferred Medicare Advantage FL-0002 (HMO)
UHC Preferred Medicare Advantage FL-002P (HMO)
UHC Preferred Complete Care FL-0003 (HMO C-SNP)
  • Phone


    1-866-231-7201 (TTY - 711) Toll-Free

    8 a.m. - 8 p.m. local time 7 Days Oct-Mar, M-F Apr-Sept

  • Mail


    Preferred Care Partners Part D Coverage Determination

    P.O. Box 25183, Santa Ana, CA 92799

  • Fax



UHC Preferred Dual Complete FL-D001 (HMO D-SNP)
UHC Preferred Dual Complete FL-D01P (HMO D-SNP)
UHC Preferred Dual Complete FL-V1 (HMO D-SNP) New!
UHC Preferred Dual Complete FL-V2 (HMO D-SNP) New!
UHC Preferred Dual Complete FL-Y2 (HMO-POS D-SNP) New!
UHC Preferred Dual Complete FL-Y3 (HMO-POS D-SNP) New!
  • Phone


    1-866-480-1086 (TTY - 711) Toll-Free

    8 a.m. - 8 p.m. local time 7 Days Oct-Mar, M-F Apr-Sept

  • Mail


    Preferred Care Partners, Inc. Part D Coverage Determination

    P.O. Box 25183, Santa Ana, CA 92799

  • Fax




What is the timeline for a standard coverage determination?

For a standard coverage determination about a drug, you have not yet received: 

  • We will give you an answer as quickly as your health condition requires, but no later than 72 hours after receiving your request or your doctor’s supporting statement (if required). 
  • Remember, if your coverage determination request is for an exception, a supporting statement from your doctor or prescriber that explains the medical reason why you need the exception is required; we will give you our answer within 72 hours after we receive your doctor’s or other prescriber’s supporting statement. 
  • If we do not meet this deadline, we are automatically required to send your coverage determination request to level 2 of our appeals process. See Appeals for more information. 

For a standard coverage determination about payment for a drug you have already bought: 

  • We will give you our answer within 14 calendar days after we receive your request 
  • If we do not meet this deadline, we are automatically required to send your coverage determination request to level 2 of our appeals process. See Appeals  for more information. 
What happens after Preferred Care Partners makes a standard coverage determination?

If your request is about a drug, you have not yet received and our answer is “YES” to all or part of what you requested, we must provide the coverage we have agreed to provide as quickly as your health condition requires, but no later than 72 hours after we receive your request or doctor’s statement supporting your request. 

If your request is about payment for a drug, you have already received and our answer is “YES” to all or part of what you requested, we must send any payment due to you within 14 calendar days after we receive your request. 

For any coverage determination request, if our answer is “NO” to part or all of what you requested, we will send you a letter that explains why. You have the right to ask us to reconsider this decision by submitting an appeal. To learn more about submitting an appeal, see Appeals.  

What are the requirements for an expedited coverage determination?

If your health requires it, you can ask us for an expedited determination. To get an expedited determination, you must meet two requirements: 

  • You must be asking for a drug you have not yet received. You cannot ask for an expedited coverage determination if you are asking us to pay you back for a drug you already bought. 
  • Using the standard deadlines could cause serious harm to your health or hurt your ability to function. 

If your doctor or other prescriber tells us that your health requires an expedited coverage determination, we will automatically agree to give you an expedited determination. 

If you ask for an expedited coverage determination on your own without your doctor’s support, we will decide whether your health requires that we give you an expedited determination. If we decide your medical condition does not meet the requirements for an expedited coverage determination, we will process your request as a standard coverage determination and notify you of our decision by sending you a letter. Our letter will indicate that we will automatically give you an expedited coverage determination if your doctor requests it. You will also be provided with information about your right to file a “fast” grievance about our decision to give you a standard coverage determination instead of an expedited coverage determination. For more information about grievances, see Grievances. 

What is the timeline for an expedited coverage determination?

If you meet the requirements for an expedited coverage determination, we will give you an answer as quickly as your health condition requires, but no later than 24 hours after receiving your request or your doctor’s supporting statement (if required). 

  • If we do not meet this deadline, we must automatically send your coverage determination request to level 2 of our appeals process. For more information see Appeals
What happens after Preferred Care Partners makes an expedited coverage determination?

If our answer is “YES” to all or part of what you requested, we will provide the coverage we have agreed to provide as quickly as your health condition requires, but no later than 24 hours after we receive your request or doctor’s statement supporting your request. 

If our answer is “NO” to part or all of what you requested, we will send you a letter that explains why. You have the right to ask us to reconsider this decision by submitting an appeal. To learn more about submitting an appeal, see Appeals


What is an Appeal?

If you are unhappy with our organization determination for medical care coverage or our coverage determination for prescription drug coverage, you can submit an appeal.

An appeal is a formal way of asking us to review and change our organization determination or coverage determination. You will submit an appeal if you want us to reconsider and change a decision we have made about medical care or prescription drug benefits, or what we will pay for medical care or a prescription drug.

When you submit an appeal, we review the organization determination or coverage determination to see if we followed all the rules properly. Your appeal is handled by different reviewers than those who made the organization determination or coverage determination. When we have completed the review, we give you, our decision.

  • An appeal regarding an organization determination is also called a reconsideration.
  • An appeal regarding a coverage determination is also called a redetermination.

For information on the total number of grievances, appeals or formulary exceptions submitted to Preferred Care Partners, Contact us.

Who can file an Appeal?

An appeal may be filed by any of the following: 

  • You may file an appeal. 
  • Someone else may file the appeal for you on your behalf. You may appoint an individual to act as your representative to file the appeal for you by following the steps below: 
    • Fill out the Appointment of Representative Form (PDF) and mail it to your Medicare Advantage plan; or 
    •  A statement: Provide your Medicare Advantage health plan with your name, your Medicare number, and a statement, which appoints an individual as your representative. (Note: you may appoint a physician or a Provider.) For example: "I [your name] appoint [name of representative] to act as my representative in requesting an appeal from my Medicare Advantage health plan regarding the denial or discontinuation of medical services." 
      • Name, address, and telephone numbers of the enrollee and the individual being appointed.  
      • Enrollee’s HICN or Medicare Beneficiary Identifier, or plan ID number. 
      • The appointed representative’s professional status or relationship to the party. 
      • A written explanation of the purpose and scope of the representation. 
      • A statement by the individual being appointed that he or she accepts the appointment. 
      • Is signed and dated by the enrollee and the individual being appointed; and 
      • You must include this signed statement with your appeal. 

For detailed information on the process of please refer to your plan's Appeals and Grievance process located in Chapter 9: What to do if you have a problem or complaint (coverage decisions, appeals, complaints) of the Evidence of Coverage Document or your plan's member handbook. 

You may ask for either a “standard” appeal or a “fast” appeal. More information about standard appeals and fast appeals for medical coverage and prescription drug coverage is available on this page. 

  • Standard appeals must be made in writing by submitting a signed request. 
  • Fast appeals may be made in writing or by calling us.    
When can an Appeal be filed?

You may file an appeal within 60 days (65 days beginning in 2025) calendar days of the date of the notice of the first coverage decision. For example, you may file an appeal for any of the following reasons: 

  • your Medicare Advantage health plan refuses to cover or pay for services you think your Medicare Advantage health plan should cover. 
  • your Medicare Advantage health plan or one of the Contracting Medical Providers refuses to give you a service you think should be covered. 
  • your Medicare Advantage health plan or one of the Contracting Medical Providers reduces or cuts back on services you have been receiving. 
  • if you think that your Medicare Advantage health plan is stopping your coverage too soon. 

Note: The 60 days (65 days beginning in 2025) limit may be extended for good cause. Include in your written request the reason you could not file within 60 days (65 days beginning in 2025) timeframe.  Your first appeal is called a Level 1 Appeal.  

Where can an Appeal be filed?

An appeal may be filed in writing or by contacting Preferred Care Partners Customer Service. To file an appeal in writing, please complete the Medicare plan Appeal and Grievance Form (PDF) and follow the instructions provided. 

How do I start an Appeal?

To start your appeal, you, your doctor or other provider, or your representative must contact us by mail, fax, or phone. 

Call Preferred Care Partners Customer Service at the telephone number on the back of your UCard or the TTY – 711 number for the hearing impaired. Hours of Operation: 8 a.m.-8 p.m.: 7 Days Oct-Mar; M-F Apr-Sept 

Customer Service also has free language interpreter services available for non-English speakers. 


Appeals for Medical Care - Part C / B


UHC Preferred Medicare Advantage FL-0001 (HMO)
UHC Preferred Medicare Advantage FL-0002 (HMO)
UHC Preferred Medicare Advantage FL-002P (HMO)
UHC Preferred Complete Care FL-0003 (HMO C-SNP)
  • Phone


    Standard Appeal:

    1-866-231-7201 (TTY - 711) Toll-Free

    Expedite Appeal:

    1-877-262-9203 (TTY - 711) Toll-Free

  • Mail


    Preferred Care Partners, Inc. Appeals & Grievance Department

    PO Box 6106, MS CA 120-0360, Cypress, CA 90630 - 0016

  • Fax


    Expedite Appeal:


UHC Preferred Dual Complete FL-D001 (HMO D-SNP)
UHC Preferred Dual Complete FL-D01P (HMO D-SNP)
UHC Preferred Dual Complete FL-V1 (HMO D-SNP) New!
UHC Preferred Dual Complete FL-Y2 (HMO-POS D-SNP) New!
UHC Preferred Dual Complete FL-V2 (HMO D-SNP) New!
UHC Preferred Dual Complete FL-Y3 (HMO-POS D-SNP) New!
  • Phone


    Standard Appeal:

    1-866-480-1086 (TTY - 711) Toll-Free

    Expedite Appeal:

    1-855-409-7041 (TTY - 711) Toll-Free

  • Mail


    Preferred Care Partners, Inc. Appeals & Grievance Department

    PO Box 6106, MS CA 120-0360, Cypress, CA 90630 - 0016

  • Fax


    Expedite Appeal:



Appeals for Prescription Drugs - Part D


UHC Preferred Medicare Advantage FL-0001 (HMO)
UHC Preferred Medicare Advantage FL-0002 (HMO)
UHC Preferred Medicare Advantage FL-002P (HMO)
UHC Preferred Complete Care FL-0003 (HMO C-SNP)
  • Phone


    Standard Appeal:

    1-866-231-7201 (TTY - 711) Toll-Free

    Expedite Appeal:

    1-800-595-9532 (TTY - 711) Toll-Free

  • Mail


    Preferred Care Partners, Inc. Appeals & Grievance Department

    PO Box 6106, MS CA 120-0368, Cypress, CA 90630 - 0016

  • Fax


    Standard Appeal:


    Expedite Appeal:


UHC Preferred Dual Complete FL-D001 (HMO D-SNP)
UHC Preferred Dual Complete FL-D01P (HMO D-SNP)
UHC Preferred Dual Complete FL-V1 (HMO D-SNP) New!
UHC Preferred Dual Complete FL-Y2 (HMO-POS D-SNP) New!
UHC Preferred Dual Complete FL-V2 (HMO D-SNP) New!
UHC Preferred Dual Complete FL-Y3 (HMO-POS D-SNP) New!
  • Phone


    Standard Appeal:

    1-866-480-1086 (TTY - 711) Toll-Free

    Expedite Appeal:

    1-855-409-7041 (TTY - 711) Toll-Free

  • Mail


    Preferred Care Partners, Inc. Appeals & Grievance Department

    PO Box 6106, MS CA 120-0368, Cypress, CA 90630 - 0016

  • Fax


    Standard Appeal:


    Expedite Appeal:


Why file an Appeal?

You may use the appeal procedure when you want a reconsideration of a decision (organization determination) that was made about a service or the amount of payment your Medicare Advantage health plan paid for an item/service or a Part B drug. 

What to include with your appeal?

You should include: 

  • your name 
  • your address 
  • your Medicare Beneficiary Identifier (MBI) from your member ID card 
  • reasons for appealing, and 
  • any evidence you wish to attach. 

 You may send in supporting medical records, doctors' letters, or other information that explains why your plan should provide the item/service or Part B drug. Call your doctor if you need this information to help you with your appeal. You may send in this information or present this information in person if you wish. 

 Appeals For Medical Care

What is the timeline for standard Level 1 Appeal for Medical Care?

If you appeal, Preferred Care Partners review the decision. If any of the items/services or Part B drugs you requested are still denied after our review, Medicare will provide you with a new and impartial review of your case by a reviewer outside of our Medicare Advantage Organization or prescription drug plan. If you disagree with that decision, you will have further appeal rights. You will be notified of those appeal rights if this happens. 

Timing of the appeal answer depends on the type of request. 

Type of request Timing of organization decision
Standard Part C pre-service or benefit Within thirty (30) calendar days after receipt of your request
Standard Part B drug request Within seven (7) calendar days after receipt of your request
Expedited Part C pre-service or benefit Within 72 hours after receipt of your request
Expedited Part B drug request Within 72 hours after receipt of your request
Reimbursement requests Within 60 calendar days (65 calendar days beginning in 2025) after receipt of your request


Fast Decisions/Expedited Appeals 

You have the right to request and receive expedited decisions affecting your medical treatment in "Time-Sensitive" situations. A Time-Sensitive situation is a situation where waiting for a decision to be made within the timeframe of the standard decision-making process could seriously jeopardize: 

  • your life or health, or 
  • your ability to regain maximum function. 

If your Medicare Advantage health plan or your Primary Care Provider decides, based on medical criteria, that your situation is Time-Sensitive or if any physician calls or writes in support of your request for an expedited review, your Medicare Advantage health plan will issue a decision as expeditiously as possible, but no later than seventy-two (72) hours plus fourteen (14) calendar days, if an extension is taken, after receiving the request.  For Part B drugs, your Medicare Advantage plan will provide a decision as fast as possible, but no later than 24 hours in Time-Sensitive situations with no allowable extensions. 

If we do not give you our answer by the deadlines noted above, we will automatically send your appeal to the Independent Review Organization as a Level 2 Appeal.  

What happens after Preferred Care Partners decides on a Standard Level 1 Appeal for Medical Care?

If our answer is “YES” to all or part of what you requested, we must authorize or provide the coverage we have agreed to provide as quickly as your health condition requires but no later than 30 calendar days if your request is for a medical item or service, or within 7 calendar days if your request is for a Medicare Part B prescription drug. 

If you requested us to pay you back for medical care you already received: If the independent review organization decides we should pay, we must send you or the provider the payment within 30 calendar days. If the answer to your appeal is yes at any stage of the appeals process after Level 2, we must send the payment you requested to you or to the provider within 60 calendar days (65 calendar days beginning in 2025). We must give you our answer within 60 calendar days (65 calendar days beginning in 2025) after we receive your appeal. 

If our answer is “NO” to all or part of what you requested, we will automatically send your appeal to the Independent Review Organization as a Level 2 Appeal.  



What happens after Preferred Care Partners decides on a Fast Level 1 Appeal for Medical Care?

If our answer is “YES” to all or part of what you requested, we must authorize or provide the coverage we have agreed to provide as quickly as your health condition requires but no later than 72 hours after we receive your appeal. 

If our answer is “NO” to part or all of what you requested, we will automatically send your appeal to the Independent Review Organization as a Level 2 Appeal. 

What happens with a Level 2 Appeal for Medical Care?

The Independent Review Organization will review your appeal. This organization is hired by Medicare and is not connected with Preferred Care Partners and is not a government agency. We send the information about your appeal to the organization. You have the right to provide the organization with additional information to support your appeal. 

If you had a standard Level 1 Appeal, you would have a standard Level 2 Appeal. 

  • The organization must give you an answer within 30 calendar days of when it receives your appeal. If your request is for a Medicare Part B prescription drug, the organization must give you an answer within 7 calendar days of when it receives your appeal. 
  • If the organization needs to gather more information that may benefit you, it can take up to 14 more calendar days. The Independent Review Organization can’t take extra time to make a decision if your request is for a Medicare Part B prescription drug. 

If you had a fast Level 1 Appeal, you would have a fast Level 2 Appeal. 

  • The organization must give you an answer within 72 hours of when it receives your appeal. 
  • If the organization needs to gather more information that may benefit you, it can take up to 14 more calendar days. The Independent Review Organization can’t take extra time to make a decision if your request is for a Medicare Part B prescription drug.  
What happens after the Independent Review Organization decides on a Level 2 Appeal for Medical Care?

If the organization’s answer is “YES” to all or part of what you requested for a standard appeal, we must authorize the coverage within 72 hours or provide the service within 14 calendar days after we receive its decision; and if the organization’s answer is “YES” to all or part of what you requested for a fast appeal, we must authorize the coverage within 72 hours after we receive its decision. If the organization’s answer is “YES” to all or part of a standard appeal request for a Medicare Part B prescription drug, we must authorize or provide coverage within 72 hours after we receive its decision; and if the organization’s answer is “YES” to all or part of a fast appeal request for a Medicare Part B prescription drug, we must authorize or provide the coverage within 24 hours after we receive its decision. 

If the organization’s answer is “YES” to your request about a payment we denied for medical services, we must send the payment you requested within 30 calendar days to you or the provider. 

If the organization’s answer is “NO” to part or all of what you requested, it means it agrees with us that your request or part of your request should not be approved. The organization will send you a letter explaining its decision and that tells you the dollar value that must be in dispute for you to continue with the appeals process. If your case meets these requirements, you decide if you would like to continue the appeals process.  

Appeals For Prescription Drugs

What is the timeline for a standard Level 1 Appeal for Prescription Drugs?

For a standard Level 1 Appeal, we will give you an answer as quickly as your health condition requires but no later than 7 calendar days after we receive your appeal. 

  • We will give you our decision sooner if you have not received the drug yet and your health requires it. 
  • If we do not give you our answer within 7 calendar days, we will automatically send your appeal to the Independent Review Organization as a Level 2 Appeal.

If you are requesting that we pay you back for a drug you have already bought, we must give you our answer within 14 calendar days after we receive your request. If we do not give you our answer within 14 calendar days, we are required to send your request to the Independent Review Organization as a Level 2 Appeal. 

What happens after Preferred Care Partners decides on a standard Level 1 Appeal for Prescription Drugs?

If you requested coverage for a drug and our answer is “YES”, we must provide the coverage we have agreed to provide as quickly as your health condition requires, but no later than 7 calendar days after we receive your appeal. 

If you requested us to pay you back for a drug you already bought and our answer is “YES”, we are required to send you payment within 30 calendar days after we receive your appeal. 

If our answer is “NO” to part or all of what you requested, we will send you a letter that explains why. This notice will also provide information on how to appeal your decision as a Level 2 Appeal. 


What are the requirements and timeline for a fast Level 1 Appeal for Prescription Drugs?

If your health requires it, you can ask us for a “fast” appeal. To get a fast appeal, you must meet two requirements: 

  • You must be asking for a drug you have not yet received. You cannot ask for a fast appeal if you are asking us to pay you back for a drug you already bought. 
  • Using the standard deadlines could cause serious harm to your health or hurt your ability to function. 

If your doctor or other prescriber tells us that your health requires a fast appeal, we will automatically agree to give you a fast appeal. 

If you ask for a fast appeal on your own without your doctor’s or other prescriber’s support, we will decide whether your health requires that we give you a fast appeal. If we decide your medical condition does not meet the requirements for a fast appeal, we will process your request as a standard appeal and notify you of our decision to process your request as a standard appeal by sending you a letter. Our letter will indicate that we will automatically give you a fast appeal if your doctor or other prescriber requests it. We will also provide you with information about your right to file a “fast” grievance about our decision to give you a standard appeal instead of a fast appeal. For more information about grievances, see Grievances (Complaints)

For a fast Level 1 Appeal, we will give you an answer as quickly as your health condition requires but no later than 72 hours after we receive your appeal. If we do not give you our answer within 72 hours, we will automatically send your appeal to the Independent Review Organization as a Level 2 Appeal. 

What happens after Preferred Care Partners decides on a fast Level 1 appeal for Prescription Drugs?

If our answer is “YES” to all or part of what you requested, we must authorize or provide the coverage we have agreed to provide as quickly as your health condition requires but no later than 72 hours after we receive your appeal. 

If our answer is “NO” to part or all of what you requested, we will send you a letter that explains why we said no and how to appeal our decision as a Level 2 Appeal.

What happens with a Level 2 Appeal for Prescription Drugs?

If we say no to your appeal, you then choose whether to accept this decision or continue by submitting another appeal. If you decide to go on to a Level 2 Appeal, the Independent Review Organization reviews the decision we made when we said no to your first appeal. This organization decides whether the decision we made should be changed. This organization is hired by Medicare and is not connected with Preferred Care Partners and is not a government agency. 

To file a Level 2 Appeal, you must contact the Independent Review Organization listed in the letter we sent you when we said “NO” to your Level 1 Appeal. This letter also includes instructions on how to file a Level 2 Appeal, including deadlines for contacting the organization. If you do file a Level 2 Appeal, we will send the information we have about your appeal to the organization. You have the right to provide the organization with additional information to support your appeal. 

For a standard Level 2 Appeal, the organization must give you an answer within 7 calendar days of when it receives your appeal. 

If your health requires it, you may ask the organization for a fast Level 2 Appeal. If the organization agrees to a fast appeal, it must give you an answer within 72 hours of when it receives your appeal. 

What happens after the Independent Review Organization decides on a Level 2 Appeal for Prescription Drugs?

If your appeal was for coverage of a drug and the organization’s answer is “YES” to all or part of what you requested, we must provide the drug coverage: 

  • Within 72 hours after we receive the organization’s decision if it was a standard Level 2 Appeal 
  • Within 24 hours after we receive the organization’s decision if it was a fast Level 2 Appeal 

If your appeal was for us to pay you back for a drug you already bought and the organization’s answer is “YES” to all or part of what you requested, we must send payment to you within 30 calendar days after we receive the organization’s decision. 

If the organization’s answer is “NO” to part or all of what you requested, it means it agrees with us that your request or part of your request should not be approved. The organization will send you a letter explaining its decision and that tells you the dollar value that must be in dispute for you to continue with the appeals process. If your case meets these requirements, you decide if you would like to continue the appeals process. 


What is a Grievance?

A “complaint” is also called a “grievance.” The complaint process is only used for certain types of problems. This includes problems related to quality of care, waiting times, and customer service. Here are examples of the kinds of problems handled by the complaint process.

  • Are you unhappy with the quality of care you have received (including care in the hospital)? 
  • Did someone not respect your right to privacy or share confidential information? 
  • Has someone been rude or disrespectful to you? · Are you unhappy with our Customer Service? · Do you feel you are being encouraged to leave the plan? 
  • Are you having trouble getting an appointment, or waiting too long to get it? 
  • Have you been kept waiting too long by doctors, pharmacists, or other health professionals? Or by Customer Service or other staff at our plan? 
  • Are you unhappy with the cleanliness or condition of a clinic, hospital, or doctor’s office? 
  • Did we fail to give you the required notice? 
  • Is our written information hard to understand? 
  • If you have asked us for a coverage decision or made an appeal, and you think that we are not responding quickly enough, you can also make a complaint about our slowness. Here are examples:
    • You asked us for a “fast coverage decision” or a “fast appeal,” and we have said no; you can make a complaint. 
    • You believe we are not meeting the deadlines for coverage decisions or appeals; you can make a complaint. 
    • You believe we are not meeting deadlines for covering or reimbursing you for certain medical items or services or drugs that were approved; you can make a complaint. 
    • You believe we failed to meet required deadlines for forwarding your case to the independent review organization; you can make a complaint.

For information on the total number of grievances submitted to Preferred Care Partners, contact us.

When can a Grievance be filed?

You may file a grievance within 60 calendar days of the date of the circumstance giving rise to the grievance. 

Note: The 60 days limit may be extended for good cause. Include in your written request the reason why you could not file within the 60 days timeframe. 

Expedited Grievance

You have the right to request an expedited grievance if you disagree with your Medicare Advantage health plan's decision to invoke an extension on your request for an organization determination or reconsideration, or your Medicare Advantage health plan's decision to process your expedited reconsideration request as a standard request. In such cases, your Medicare Advantage health plan will respond to your grievance within twenty-four (24) hours of receipt. 


Where can a Grievance be filed?

A grievance may be filed in writing or calling directly to us. 

Why file a Grievance?

You are encouraged to use the grievance procedure when you have any type of complaint (other than an appeal) with your Medicare Advantage health plan or a Contracting Medical Provider, especially if such complaints result from misinformation, misunderstanding or lack of information. 

Who may file a Grievance?

A grievance may be filed by any of the following: 

  • You  
  • Someone you name may file a grievance on your behalf. You may appoint an individual to act as your representative to file the appeal for you by following the steps below: 
  • Fill out the Appointment of Representative Form (PDF) and mail it to your Medicare Advantage plan; or 
  • Other persons may already be authorized by the Court or in accordance with State law to act for you. 

If you want someone to act for you, who is not already authorized by the Court or under State law, you and that person must sign and date a statement granting the person legal permission to be your representative. You may appoint an individual to act as your representative to file the grievance.  

To learn how to name your representative, call Preferred Care Partner Member Service

Filing a grievance with our plan 

The process for making a complaint is different from the process for coverage decisions and appeals. If you have a complaint, you or your representative may call the phone number for Grievances listed on the back of your member ID card. We will try to resolve your complaint over the phone. 

You can call Preferred Care Partner Member Service, 8 a.m. - 8 p.m.: 7 Days a week, Oct-Mar, M-F Apr-Sept 

Member Service also has free language interpreter services available for non-English speakers. 

If you do not wish to call (or called and were not satisfied), you can put your complaint in writing and send it to us. Members also, can file via the member’s portal: Member Sign In 


Submit a written request for a grievance to Part C & B:


UHC Preferred Medicare Advantage FL-0001 (HMO)
UHC Preferred Medicare Advantage FL-0002 (HMO)
UHC Preferred Medicare Advantage FL-002P (HMO)
UHC Preferred Complete Care FL-0003 (HMO C-SNP)
  • Phone


    Standard Complaint:

    1-866-231-7201 (TTY - 711) Toll-Free

    Expedite Complaint:

    1-877-262-9203 (TTY - 711) Toll-Free

  • Mail


    Preferred Care Partners, Inc. Appeals & Grievance Department

    PO Box 6106, MS CA 120-0360, Cypress, CA 90630 - 0016

  • Fax


    Expedite Complaint:


UHC Preferred Dual Complete FL-D001 (HMO D-SNP)
UHC Preferred Dual Complete FL-D01P (HMO D-SNP)
UHC Preferred Dual Complete FL-V1 (HMO D-SNP) New!
UHC Preferred Dual Complete FL-Y2 (HMO-POS D-SNP) New!
UHC Preferred Dual Complete FL-V2 (HMO D-SNP) New!
UHC Preferred Dual Complete FL-Y3 (HMO-POS D-SNP) New!
  • Phone


    Standard Complaint:

    1-866-480-1086 (TTY - 711) Toll-Free

    Expedite Complaint:

    1-855-409-7041 (TTY - 711) Toll-Free

  • Mail


    Preferred Care Partners, Inc. Appeals & Grievance Department

    PO Box 6106, MS CA 120-0360, Cypress, CA 90630 - 0016

  • Fax


    Expedite Complaint:



Submit a written request for a grievance to Part D:


UHC Preferred Medicare Advantage FL-0001 (HMO)
UHC Preferred Medicare Advantage FL-0002 (HMO)
UHC Preferred Medicare Advantage FL-002P (HMO)
UHC Preferred Complete Care FL-0003 (HMO C-SNP)
  • Phone


    Standard Complaint:

    1-866-231-7201 (TTY - 711) Toll-Free

    Expedite Complaint:

    1-800-595-9532 (TTY - 711) Toll-Free

  • Mail


    Preferred Care Partners, Inc. Appeals & Grievance Department

    PO Box 6106, MS CA 120-0368, Cypress, CA 90630 - 0016

  • Fax


    Standard Complaint:


    Expedite Complaint:


UHC Preferred Dual Complete FL-D001 (HMO D-SNP)
UHC Preferred Dual Complete FL-D01P (HMO D-SNP)
UHC Preferred Dual Complete FL-V1 (HMO D-SNP) New!
UHC Preferred Dual Complete FL-V2 (HMO D-SNP) New!
UHC Preferred Dual Complete FL-Y2 (HMO-POS D-SNP) New!
UHC Preferred Dual Complete FL-Y3 (HMO-POS D-SNP) New!
  • Phone


    Standard Complaint:

    1-866-480-1086 (TTY - 711) Toll-Free

    Expedite Complaint:

    1-855-409-7041 (TTY - 711) Toll-Free

  • Mail


    Preferred Care Partners, Inc. Appeals & Grievance Department

    PO Box 6106, MS CA 120-0368, Cypress, CA 90630 - 0016

  • Fax


    Standard Complaint:


    Expedite Complaint:


If you ask for a written response, file a written grievance, or if your complaint is related to quality of care, we will respond in writing. 

If you are filing a grievance because we denied your request for a “fast” decision on an organization determination or coverage determination or a “fast” appeal, we will automatically give you a “fast” grievance. This means we will give you an answer to your grievance within 24 hours. 

Whether you call or write, you should contact Customer Service right away. The complaint must be made within 60 calendar days, after you had the problem, you want to complain about. If possible, we will answer you right away. If your health condition requires us to answer quickly, we will do that. Most complaints are answered in 30 calendar days. 

If we need more information and the delay is in your best interest or if you ask for more time, we can take up to 14 more calendar days (44 calendar days total) to answer your complaint. If we do not agree with some or all your complaint or don't take responsibility for the problem you are complaining about, we will let you know. Our response will include our reasons for this answer. We must respond whether we agree with the complaint or not. 

Please refer to your plan’s Appeals and Grievance process found in Chapter 9: What to do if you have a problem or complaint (coverage decisions, appeals, complaints) of the Evidence of Coverage document or your plan’s member handbook. 


As a member of our plan, you have the right to get several kind of information from us. This includes information about the number of appeals made by members and the plan’s performance rating including how it has been rated by plan members and how it compares to other Medicare Advantage health plans. To file a complaint directly to CMS:

For detailed information on the process of filing a grievance or appeal and obtaining a coverage determination, refer to Chapter 9 of your Evidence of Coverage.